In the media: Martin’s blog on anger referenced in column
A Massachusetts columnist looked to our own Prof. Ryan Martin for a little insight on anger for a piece that ran Sunday (Dec. 16) in the Sentinel & Enterprise of Fitchburg, Mass. Bonnie J. Toomey’s column looked at her own relationship with anger and her daughter, and she relied on Psychology chair and anger expert Martin to dispel some myths surrounding the emotion. “One of the most common misconceptions about anger is that it’s bad for you,” the column said, quoting from Martin’s “All the Rage” blog. “It’s not. In fact, anger is a valuable emotion as it helps people confront injustice.” Toomey also references Martin’s “Why Driving Makes us Mad” blog post, and how it helped her daughter gain some perspective.
You can check out the full column, as well as Martin’s blog, by clicking the links below:
Sentinel & Enterprise story