Cofrin School of Business Prof. Gaurav Bansal moderates University Chancellors and Presidents panel

From Prof. Bansal:
“It was fun to moderate a University Chancellors and Presidents panel at 18th Midwest Association for Information Systems conference held on May 19 and 20 at Metropolitan State Univ, St Paul, MN. Thanks to the esteemed panelists- Chancellor Michael Alexander of UW – Green Bay, Chancellor Dr. Corey A. Kingof UW Whitewater, President Rev James P. Burns of St Marys Minneapolis, President Virginia Arthur of Metropolitan State Univ, Exec Vice Chancellor Amy Hietapelto of Univ of Minnesota Duluth for their thoughts on challenges/ opportunities facing higher education Institutions and also on the impact of AI on higher education.
It was a great insightful discussion coming directly from the leaders of the regional comprehensive universities. Among other things, there seemed to be consensus on the fact the we need more such discussions with diverse stakeholders to have a joint understanding on the future of jobs, ethical development and deployment of AI, the skillset needed to succeed in this era, and awareness around bias associated with AI – to name a few.
Thanks Dahui Li to help put together the panel.
Also, glad to share the best paper award I received for my paper together with Zhuoli Axelton”
View photos from the event here.