Faculty note: Kain publications
Historian Kevin Kain, lecturer in Humanistic Studies, recently had two articles published. The first, “Before New Jerusalem: Patriarch Nikon’s Iverskii and Krestnyi Monasteries” is in the latest edition of the journal Russian History. The second, “Records from the NYPL Archive: L. B. Khavkina and Early Twentieth-Century Exchanges between the Kharkov and New York Public Libraries” was published in Ukraine in a volume titled: Vid XIX do XXI st.: Transformatsiia bibliotek u Konteteksti Rozvitky Syspilstva: Do 125-richchia Kharkivskoi derzhavnoi naukoi biblioteli im. V. G. Kprolenka. Work on that project came from a fellowship and his participation in the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute “American Engages Eurasia,” held in the summer of 2011 at Columbia University.