Details announced for Chancellor’s Veterans Reception

UW-Green Bay will hold its annual Chancellor’s Veterans Reception on Veterans Day, Thursday, Nov. 11, at 4 p.m. in the Phoenix Room in the University Union. Brown County Executive and UW-Green Bay alumnus Tom Hinz will be the guest speaker for the program, which is open to UW-Green Bay and the larger community. The event will also feature the music of student veterans. For more information, see our news release.

Numbers of veterans at UW-Green Bay continues to climb
UW-Green Bay continues to see growth in the number of veterans enrolled at the University. This semester, 334 veterans or dependents receiving veteran benefits are enrolled at UW-Green Bay. That’s up from 165 just four years ago. More veterans are also completing degrees. Last year, 47 veterans graduated from UW-Green Bay, up from 22 in 2005-06. As a group, veterans are performing well academically. Thirty-six percent of the veterans who graduated last year graduated with honors.

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