Local Ethics in Business Awards program has UW-Green Bay ties

Prof. John Stoll invites you to join the American Foundation of Counseling Services and the greater Green Bay business community for the 3rd annual Ethics in Business awards luncheon to honor Northeastern Wisconsin organizations and individuals who have demonstrated the highest standards of ethics in business. The event takes place Thursday, Nov. 11, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:10 p.m. (registration starting at 11 a.m.) at the KI Convention Center. Stoll is on the event steering committee. UW-Green Bay’s SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) chapter served as the “research team,” devoting long hours to create a report for the award selection committee, an independent group of community members which chooses the recipients.

Honorees this year will be:

• Business category – MCL Industries
• Non-profit category – Wisconsin Public Radio

• Individual category – Bill Jartz

Keynote speaker for the event is Dick Bennett, famous high school, UW-Green Bay, Stevens Point and UW basketball coach. Seats are $45 each, or $400 for a table of ten.  To purchase seats, contact American Foundation of Counseling Services at 920-437-8256 or visit www.americanfoundationonline.com for more information.

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