National Review editor Brookhiser is Historical Perspectives speaker Oct. 3
A nationally renowned historian, author and conservative journalist will speak about the latest of his 11 books during the Historical Perspectives Lecture Series at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3 in Room 250 of Rose Hall. Richard Brookhiser, a senior editor of the conservative magazine The National Review, is a nationally known figure who has appeared on PBS (with our own Harvey J. Kaye, no less) and on Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report” and “The Daily Show with John Stewart.” His latest book, James Madison: Father of the Constitution, Father of Politics, explores those roles undertaken by our nation’s fourth president. Brookhiser is the latest in a long line of prominent speakers brought to campus thanks to the long-running lecture series, which is the foremost activity of UW-Green Bay’s Center for History and Social Change. The event is free and open to the public. Full details.