Discussion about the legal drinking age is Feb. 17
The Campus Life Alcohol Task Force is hosting an interactive panel discussion on what the legal drinking age should be. The program will be at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 17, in Phoenix B of the University Union. The impetus for this conversation is the Amethyst Initiative, a program started last summer by some university presidents and chancellors who have been calling for “informed and unimpeded debate on the 21-year-old drinking age.” The UW-Green Bay panel will feature a local emergency-room physician, a current student who is a military veteran, a campus administrator, and a journalist involved in the recent “State of Drinking” investigative series published by Gannett Co. The panelists and audience will be invited to respond to questions posed by a moderator. For more information, contact the Office of Student Life at 465-2720 or at osl@uwgb.edu.