DIY: Phoenix snowflakes

Winter is upon us and a smattering of snowflakes dust the grass. Bring some of the winter cheer indoors (and display your Phoenix Pride) with this Phoenix Snowflake PDF download and instructions from your friendly UW-Green Bay marketing and communication team.
Follow these simple steps:
- Download and print the UWGB-printable-snowflake
- Fold along the gray lines.
- Fold first in half, then in thirds.
- Burnish the edges of each crease.
- Cut away the gray areas.
- Use a sharp scissors.
- Don’t bother to cut out the circle. The extra paper will give you something to hold onto.
- Cut the detailed areas at the center first. The facets of the snowflake become increasingly less secure with each cut. It will be easiest to do the tiny detailed areas first.
- Pinch the folded paper tightly, to prevent it from moving. It may help to use a clamp-style paperclip to hold it securely.
- Proudly display your Phoenix allegiance and snowflake-cutting prowess for all to enjoy! (If you post to social media, don’t forget to tag UW-Green Bay or use #lifeatuwgb.)
Go Phoenix!