Amazon portal provides percentage of sales to UW-Green Bay Foundation
The private, nonprofit UW-Green Bay Foundation Inc., is a participant in the AmazonSmile program, which donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible personal purchases via Amazon to the charitable organization of your choice — in this case, of course, UW-Green Bay. Proceeds from the Amazon sales will go to the University’s annual fund in unrestricted support of academic enhancements, student scholarships and more. Those who would like to support the University in this fashion should begin their personal Amazon shopping here.
After signing in with their Amazon account information, they would search for, and select The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Foundation Inc. under “Pick your own charitable organization.” The site will remember this designation, and future personal purchases from Amazon that start through will automatically benefit the University. The program is strictly anonymous, with the Foundation receiving no ID or purchase information — just periodic proceeds.
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Does not apply to institutional purchasing — Remember, the AmazonSmile arrangement outlined above cannot be used by UW-Green Bay employees for any University-related purchasing. It is for personal purchases, only. The use of institutional purchasing cards, credit cards or state resources for this sort of affinity program is prohibited.