LIVE: Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection

The UW-Green Bay Archives Department is pleased to announce the publication of the Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection, a new digital resource about the Green Bay Estuary and its waterways. The digital collection was built from relevant materials held at the UW-Green Bay Archives, as well as donations from local community members. It seeks to tell the story of the region’s water history, science, and cultural impact through photographs, postcards, maps, oral history interviews, films, and historical records.

The Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection was built as part of the Green Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) designation process, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This was a year-long digitization effort in which select original materials in the UW-Green Bay Archives were identified and digitized. This unique digital collection is a rich resource for researchers and educators pursuing projects related to the region’s waterways, or anyone who is interested in the area’s natural history. This project was funded through generous support from the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and the UW-Green Bay Libraries.

The Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection was formally launched on August 24th, 2023, in Mary Ann Cofrin Hall, Room 204. The focus of the launch was a virtual tour of the digital collection. If you are interested in viewing a recording of the launch, you can do so here. If you have questions about the Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection, please email