Small change to process for Faculty/Staff Phone Directory
The Office of Marketing and University Communication is again taking the lead in producing a new UW-Green Bay faculty/staff phone book for fall. The “book” will be available as an online PDF but we also expect to print a supply of paper copies (provided ad sponsorships are sufficient). In any event, one change some have noticed: There’s no longer a need to provide info to M/UC for individual listings. We’ll populate those pages by importing names, titles, phone numbers, rooms and mailing addresses and the like directly from the official IADS online database maintained by Human Resources and individual employees. That’s why, for the first time in approximately forever, there’s no “yellow card” request from us seeking handwritten person-by-person updates.
However, department listings are a different story: You’ll be hearing from us
While you won’t be queried by Marketing and University Communication as to individual listings, we will follow the traditional time-tested process in preparing department listings. (Who handles what function? What’s the toll-free number? Contact point for a particular subset of a larger program? For our purposes here, some of that info is harder to tease out of an electronic database.) Anyway, you can expect to receive in coming days a copy of your proposed departmental list. Betsy Bassett-Piehl at is the contact; she hopes to have those changes (remember, departmental listings only – pgs 7-15 in the current 2009-10 printed book) pretty much done by Friday, July 30.