First computer-security event merited another

This event has been postponed until further notice. New date will be featured in LOG once it has been determined.

On Thursday, June 4, from noon to 1 p.m. in MAC 225, bring your lunch and questions as a panel of computer experts from CIT host a “Brown Bag” Q & A session on home computer security.  This is an open forum for users to come in and ask questions about their home computer.  Dealing with anti-malware (including anti-virus and anti-spyware), firewall, online safety, email fraud (phishing), system optimization, and whatever else is nagging computer users.  The first session was well received (at least 30 attendees) and one hour was barely enough to answer all the questions.  Again this is home computer security, all questions related to campus PCs and Macs need to be directed to the Help Desk ( or ext. 2309).