Alumni Phone-a-Thon team sets new over-the-phone record

Some serious congratulations are in order for our crack team of UW-Green Bay Phone-a-Thon callers, who set an all-time monetary milestone Wednesday (April 17), hitting — and exceeding — the $50,000 mark in pledges for the first time ever. In the past, we’ve shared some pretty impressive fundraising totals with you, and this over-the-phone-only record (in the event’s 16th year) certainly fits in with that list.

Development officer and alumni Phone-a-Thon coordinator Tracy Heaser has high praise for her hard-working student team, which dialed up UWGB grads for 85 nights since last fall — and rightfully so! She’s thanking them with chocolate; we’re giving them props here. No students called every night, but every student called some nights … so kudos to that larger team including Kristi Auner, Danielle Brocker, Mackenzie Daley, Kaylie Fisher, Morgan Hansen, Farin Ludtke, Holly Troeller, Katelyn Staaben, Anna Amelse, Anastasia McCain, Paul Heitman, Carli DeFelice, Kelsey Ginnel, Ashten Bartel, Sarah Busko, Morgen Clarey and Sara Lueth — not to mention Heaser herself, without whom the dialing for dollars record wouldn’t have been possible.

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