Correction, clarification on household e-waste recycling
A couple of things regarding our previous post about UW-Green Bay students arranging for the local company Cyber Green to run an e-waste collection next week.
1) The initial date provided was incorrect. The roundup will actually take place Monday (April 23), 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at the MAC Hall circle dropoff.
2) A loyal Log reader points out that, although Monday’s event includes dropoff charges for CRT/Monitors, $10; TVs, $10; TVs over 30”, $20; Console TVs, $20, and is free for other items, there are sites that accept all electronics free of charge (Goodwill Industries of North Central Wisconsin is a DNR E-Cycle Wisconsin-registered collection site, and one just such example.) Organizers say Monday’s event will actually be of primary interest to students who reside on campus and others who want the convenience of this particular opportunity.
We have corrected and updated our previous post.