More on Islam Awareness Week
Additional details on several of the events from the Office of International Education:
• Wednesday, April 9 – Hijab Day: Experience wearing a hijab (headscarf) for a day , 7:30-9:00 a.m., at the Union’s 1965 Room , **Drop-in light breakfast and to pick up scarves ; **Discussion to follow after this day with participants
Islamic Reawakening (with Prof. Robert Kramer- St. Norbert College), 6:00 p.m., Mauthe Center; Dinner provided – first come, first served
• Thursday, April 10 – Women in Islam (virtual discussion with Ibtesam Al-Atiyat, formerly a visiting professor here, now with St. Olaf College, Minn.) , 3:30-5:30 p.m., MAC 208
“Amreeka” – movie night, 6:00 p.m., Mauthe Center; Popcorn and lemonade provided – first come, first served
• Friday, April 11 – Mosque Open Day, all day, at Green Bay Mosque, 1512 Velp Ave.