Look for ‘Act! Speak! Build!’ T-shirts
If you see lots of students sporting bright yellow t-shirts next week, stop one of them and ask them what the printed slogan Act! Speak! Build! means. They’ll be proud to tell you all about it.
Act! Speak! Build! Week is a national week of advocacy on behalf of Habitat for Humanity and in support of affordable housing. College students on campuses all over the United States are participating in this national event throughout the week of April 7–11. The event encourages young people to educate themselves and their communities and to move people to social action to advance the goal of Habitat for Humanity; to fight poverty housing and homelessness. Watch for informational tables and displays and postings of “Habifacts” around campus.
Additionally, the UW-Green Bay Habitat chapter has struck a deal with Applebee’s on East Mason Street that will have the restaurant donate 15% of all profits on Thursday, April 10 to UW-Green Bay Habitat. Get a flyer from any Habitat student and present it with your payment for food and beverages if you’d like to support this fundraiser.