Adult Degree’s Voelz accepts vice president position with Lakeland

Lakeland College of Sheboygan announced Tuesday the appointment of Zach Voelz as vice president for Lakeland’s Kellett School of Adult Education. Voelz has served as director of Adult Degree Programs for UW-Green Bay since July 2009. Voelz joined the University’s Extended Degree Program as a distance-learning specialist in 2003, and assumed increasing levels of responsibility as the program transitioned to become part of the Outreach division and assumed the new name, Adult Degree.  Steve VandenAvond, associate provost for outreach and adult access, said Voelz’s vision, expertise and energy contributed greatly to UW-Green Bay’s enhanced online offerings and impressive enrollment gains. “Zach has been here since Adult Degree was in its infancy and has put things in place that have helped this University become an area leader in online learning. Under Zach’s leadership, the Adult Degree programs have grown to a current high of almost 1,000 students,” VandenAvond said.  “We will miss him, but we also wish him well with his new appointment.” He said Voelz would depart his current position no later than mid-March. Read the full Lakeland College press release on the Voelz appointment.

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