The Learning Center Academic Skills Workshop series

The TLC Academic Success Coaches are hosting a six-week Academic Skills Series of workshops at no charge, to help students succeed in their academics at UW-Green Bay. Below are the workshops and dates:
- January 25: College Level Writing at 10:00 am & 4:00 pm (both virtual sessions)
- February 1: Maximizing Your Syllabus at 10:00 am & 4:00 pm (both virtual sessions)
- February 8: Anti-Cram and Reducing Procrastination at 10:00 am & 4:00 pm (both virtual sessions)
- February 15: Goal Setting System at 10:00 am & 4:00 pm (both virtual sessions)
- February 22: Advocating for Yourself at 10:00 am & 4:00 pm (both virtual sessions)
- March 1: ADHD Study Tips at 10:00 am & 4:00 pm (both virtual sessions)