Outreach and Adult Access offers language courses
Menominee language course starts Jan. 31
The Division of Outreach and Adult Access will begin a weekly Menominee language course starting Jan. 31, and meeting from 5-8 p.m. Thursdays through May 9. The course, which is open to UW-Green Bay students and the larger community, can be taken for three undergraduate credits or as a noncredit option. Taught by Menominee Nation Elders Muqsahkwat, also known as Ron Corn, Jr., and Napos, also known as David Turney, Sr., the course will use indigenous educational methods together with western methods of language instruction. Students will be introduced to basic Menominee language speaking and reading skills through storytelling and interaction with tribal Elders and First Language speakers. Full details.
Online Spanish in the Professions course starts Feb. 9
Menominee isn’t the only Outreach and Adult Access language option with classes starting soon. The Division also is offering an online course designed to help busy professionals learn Spanish language skills that can help them in their careers. The online Spanish in the Professions course begins Saturday, Feb. 9, and will be taught by instructors who guide students through a highly interactive online text. Face-to-face or video/audio chat meeting times for language practice are scheduled throughout the spring. Noncredit, undergraduate and graduate credits available. Full details.