Video, photos and podcast links: Common CAHSS 2019

In recognition of world Human Rights Day on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019, the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences hosted the inaugural Common CAHSS 2019: Human Rights event at the Weidner Center. This year marked the 71st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Throughout the day, there was a total of 30 scheduled activities, capped off with keynote speaker Rais Bhuiyan, founder of the non-profit “World Without Hate.”

The day began with welcoming remarks to kick things off and quickly moved into various presentations by faculty, staff and students. Some presentations included “With Murderous Intent: The Right to Violence in Ancient Greece” presented by Michael Holstead, “Contemporary Artists as Activists” presented by Sam Watson’s Contemporary Art 203 class, and “‘Living Deliberately:’ Discovering and Exceeding Thoreau” presented by Prof. Rebecca Nesvet’s English and Humanities Capstone students. In addition, there were four live podcast recordings during the afternoon sessions, details are below.


Four Phoenix Studios network podcast episodes were recorded live from at this event. Recordings are now available for listeners on SoundCloud and iTunes.

Photo Gallery

Click to advance slideshow or view the album on Flickr.
Common CAHSS - 2019

– Photos by Dan Moore, Marketing and University Communication
– Video by Sue Pischke, Marketing and University Communication

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