Chancellor’s Veterans Reception is next Wednesday
All faculty, staff, students and community are invited to the Chancellor’s Veterans Reception at 4 p.m. next Wednesday, Nov. 11, in the Phoenix Room of the University Union. This year’s guest speaker will be UW-Green Bay alumnus, Staff Sgt. Jared Spude. Spude was honored at last May’s commencement as Outstanding Student of his graduating class. The Political Science and Public Administration grad enrolled at UWGB in 2011 after serving as a forward observer with the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. He is currently one of five certified instructors of military joint forward observers throughout the country. The Nov. 11 reception is free and open to all.
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Koltz publicizes oral-history project, collection — Veterans services coordinator Elaine Koltz says the Nov. 11 reception on campus will be an opportunity to promote a new project called “Voices of Veterans.” She says student Sean Gleason is working to produce an oral history collection of veterans in our community. Also in connection with Veterans Day observances at UWGB, volunteers are collecting items and gift cards for Elizabeth, a new resident of the new Green Bay Veterans Manor who is in need of basic household items, (i.e. dishes, towels, lamps, etc.) If you cannot make the reception and want to drop off items or gift cards for Elizabeth, please drop them off in the collection box in the Veterans Lounge in MAC Hall or at Elaina Koltz’ office in Financial Aid.