UW-Green Bay professor to discuss Thomas Paine on PBS program
GREEN BAY — University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Prof. Harvey Kaye will likely appear on the nationally televised “Bill Moyers’ Journal” this Friday and Sunday on the Public Broadcasting System.
Kaye, professor of Social Change and Development at UW-Green Bay, will discuss revolutionary figure and political writer Thomas Paine. Kaye is the author of the highly acclaimed Thomas Paine and the Promise of America.
“We’ll talk about Paine, how he’s remembered and what the great Revolutionary patriot might say about America today,” Kaye said.
Thomas Paine died 200 years ago this week, on June 8, 1809. The author of the democracy-promoting pamphlet “Common Sense,” Paine is considered by many to be one of the fathers of the American Revolution.“Bill Moyers’ Journal” will be broadcast locally on WPNE-TV (Channel 38) at 8 p.m. Friday, June 12. A repeat broadcast of the public affairs program is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Sunday, June 14. Moyers’ interview with Kaye is scheduled for this weekend. However, airdates are subject to change.
Thomas Paine and the Promise of America offers a fresh interpretation of the life and democratic legacy of Paine. In the book, Kaye traces the journey of Paine’s ideas from early America through today.
Moyers, a journalist and political commentator, described it as “the best political book of the year” upon its release in 2005. Historian Joseph Ellis, writing in the New York Times Book Review, called it “the most comprehensive assessment yet of Paine’s controversial reputation.”
Thomas Paine and the Promise of America received a 2006 Outstanding Achievement Award from the Wisconsin Library Association.
Kaye is the writer and editor of many award-winning books on history and politics. His other books include Are We Good Citizens?, Powers of the Past, and The Education of Desire, which won the prestigious Isaac Deutscher Memorial Prize. He also is the author of Thomas Paine: Firebrand of the Revolution, a biography of Paine targeted at young readers.
Kaye currently is working on a book about Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Four Freedoms and the Greatest Generation.