Cancelled: Rapid comeback of SW Wisconsin trout streams is NAS Seminar topic
The NAS Seminar scheduled for Friday, Nov. 7 has been cancelled.
“The Environmental History of Driftless Trout Streams” will be the topic for St. Norbert College Prof. Nelson Hamm, geology and environmental science, in the next installment of the Natural and Applied Sciences Seminar Series. The illustrated talk begins at 3 p.m. this Friday (Nov. 7) in Room 301 of the Environmental Sciences Building, and will be followed by a social at 4 p.m. in ES 317. The so-called Driftless Region of western and southwest Wisconsin, untouched by the glaciers and marked by steep valleys, has seen considerable work by conservation groups, environmental consulting firms, natural resource departments, and federal agencies focused on restoration ecology and the rapid recovery of high-quality, coldwater streams. Hamm will touch upon bedrock and ice-age geology, past climate change, settlement geography, changing land use, conservation methods and contrasts with the streams of northern Wisconsin. As always, the seminars and receptions are free and open to the public.