Faculty notes: Fernández-Meardi, Saxton-Ruiz

Assistant Profs. Hernán Fernández-Meardi and Gabriel Saxton-Ruiz of Humanistic Studies presented papers at the recent Latin American Studies Association conference in Chicago. Fernández-Meardi’s paper was titled “La sustentabilidad vernácula: educación y cultura en los grupos marginados.” Saxton-Ruiz presented “La conciencia socio-ecológica en Hombres de mar de Óscar Colchado.” The two also took part in an interdisciplinary panel on the role of sustainability in public policy and governance, joining with Alex Godoy of the Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile), familiar to many on campus as a UW-Green Bay international scholar in residence in 2012. The conference program can be found at http://lasa.international.pitt.edu/eng/congress/program.asp.

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