Comedian Charlie Hill had UWGB ties
Funeral services were set to take place today (Friday, Jan. 3) in De Pere for nationally prominent standup comedian Charlie Hill, who died earlier this week at age 62 after a year-long battle with cancer. The former Oneida resident was the first American Indian comedian to appear on both “The Tonight Show” with Johnny Carson and on “The Merv Griffin Show.” He later made appearances on “The Late Show with David Letterman” and co-produced and was featured in the Showtime Special, “The Indian Comedy Slam, No Reservations Needed.” Hill was a hit with his standing-room-only gig at the UW-Green Bay Phoenix Room in February 2011. He is survived by relatives including two brothers and two sisters, several of whom are known to members of the larger UW-Green Bay community. (His brother, Norbert Hill Jr., began his successful higher education career as an academic adviser and counselor at UW-Green Bay in the 1970s. A sister-in-law, Donsia Strong Hill, is a member of the University’s Foundation Board and Council of Trustees.) Ryan Funeral Home of De Pere was in charge of arrangements. For more.