Faculty notes: Saxton-Ruiz, Fernández-Meardi present, get published
Assistant Professor of Spanish Gabriel Saxton-Ruiz presented his book “Forasteros en tierra extraña: La nueva narrativa peruana y la violencia política” Friday, July 19 at the bookstore Tipos Infames in Madrid. The title of the book in English is “Strangers in a Strange Land: Contemporary Peruvian Narrative and Political Violence.” It was published in November with Editorial Universitaria Ricardo Palma (a university press from Peru).
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And speaking of Saxton-Ruiz, he and Assistant Professor of Spanish Hernán Fernández-Meardi both had papers accepted at the Congreso Internacional Nuevos Horizontes, sponsored by the Centro Interdisciplinario de Literatura Hispanoamericana (CILHA). This conference will take place at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina in November. Fernández-Meardi’s paper is titled “Las modalidades del caos” (“The Modalities of Chaos”), and Saxton-Ruiz’s is titled “La distopía crítica como resistencia (g)local: Radio Ciudad Perdida de Daniel Alarcón” (“Critical Dystopia as (G)Local Resistance: Daniel Alarcón’s Lost City Radio”).
Fernández-Meardi also had a paper accepted at the Irony and Violence in Latin American Culture Conference, to be held at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Oct. 24-26. That paper is titled “La ironía de la violencia: Análisis de la poética contemporánea en “8OM84rd3R0” de César Gutiérrez,” or “The Irony of Violence: An Analysis of Contemporary Poetics in “8OM84rd3R0” by César Gutiérrez.”
Finally, Saxton-Ruiz will present during a different Oct. 24-26 conference, this one in Lima, Peru. His paper is titled “De cómo Allende sofocó un intento golpista y Sendero derrocó al gobierno: Divagaciones ucrónicas en los Andes,” which translates to “On How Allende Crushed the Coup Attempt and Shining Path Overthrew the Government: Uchronic Digressions in the Andes.”