Cupit’s new book: Dying, Death, and Grief in an Online Universe

Human Development Prof. Illene Cupit, a nationally recognized scholar on issues of grief and dying, is co-editor of a new book just released by Springer Publishing. Cupit and co-editors Carla Sofka and Kathleen Gilbert collaborated on Dying, Death and Grief in an Online Universe, a 290-page softcover text. Written for death educators, clinicians, researchers, and students of thanatology, the book evaluates the ways modern communication technology has profoundly influenced societal practices and views about dying, death, and loss. It describes the proliferation of online support groups and social network sites to cope with loss, and mechanisms for the memorialization and commemoration of loss. It also highlights blogging as a mechanism for storytelling and Skype as a communication tool during times of loss and grief. For more, visit the publisher’s site.

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