New web site is dedicated to provost search
The UW-Green Bay Provost Search and Screen Committee has launched a web site dedicated to information regarding the search for a new provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. The site, (, features the position announcement, a profile of UW-Green Bay, a timeline of the search process and campus forums, and updates regarding the search. Feedback can be left for the search committee via a link on the site’s toolbar. Former Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Sue Hammersmith left UW-Green Bay in June 2008 to become president of Metropolitan State University in Minnesota’s Twin Cities. Prof. William Laatsch is serving as interim provost.
Search committee seeks nominations, thoughts on search process
The Provost Search and Screen Committee welcomes nominations and recommendations from the campus community for the position of provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. Nominations can be made through the provost search web site ( or by e-mailing Prof. Tim Meyer, chair of the Search and Screen Committee, at