State Assembly forum scheduled at UW-Green Bay

GREEN BAY —  The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Student Government Association and the University’s Academic Staff Legislative Committee are co-sponsoring a candidate forum the 90th Wisconsin Assembly District.

The forum, which is free and open to the public, will take place on campus (2420 Nicolet Drive) starting at noon Monday, Oct. 6, in the University Union, Phoenix Room A.

The race for the 90th Assembly District includes incumbent Karl Van Roy (R-Green Bay) and Lou Ann Weix (D-Green Bay).

Student Government Association President Ricky Staley will moderate the forum. Each candidate will get 10 minutes for opening statements, 30 minutes for questions from the moderator and audience, and five minutes for closing statements. This forum is not a debate.

Candidates will not have reviewed the questions prior to the forum.

Members of the public attending the forum can obtain a free visitor’s parking pass from the parking office located on Main Entrance Drive.

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