Has LIR grown too fast? Let’s talk about it

Leaders of our campus Learning in Retirement organization will host four listening sessions in October to gather input from LIR members on the challenge of extraordinary growth. The numbers tell the story:

• Membership has grown from 633 members in the Fall of 2005 to 900 members this fall. These members are enthusiastic ambassadors for our campus, drawn here to enjoy the lifelong learning opportunities LIR offers.
• The number of LIR courses has grown from 54 in the fall of 2005 to l03 courses this fall. Course offerings led by community volunteers and also current and retired faculty are so popular that waiting lists are now common.

Feedback from the LIR listening sessions could set limits to growth for the thriving organization. Learning in Retirement, founded in 1991, is sponsored by Outreach and Extension, Barbara McClure-Lukens, adviser.

LIR’s ‘Tipping Point’ discussions begin Wednesday at Neville
Listening sessions on the question, “Has Learning in Retirement growth reached a tipping point with regard to offering a quality experience for members?” will take place as follows:

• Wednesday, October 1 at the Neville Public Museum, noon
• Wednesday, October 8 at the Ecumenical Center, 3 p.m.
• Tuesday, October 14 in Rose Hall room 230, noon
• Monday, October 27 in Wood Hall room 118, noon