Laffle ends May 2 at noon
A reminder that items for the local Humane Society can be brought in to the Registrar’s Office until noon on Monday, May 2. The drawing is on Monday at noon in the Registrar’s Office.
For our pet friends, the campaign asks for everything from towels, blankets, pillows, quilts, sheets, mattress pads… to new and used leashes, collars, littler boxes, animal toys, brushes, clippers… dog, cat, kitten and puppy food… treats… shampoo and more. Cash or check donations to the Humane Society will also be accepted.
Prizes so far:
UW-Green Bay dog collar (at top) – donated by Phoenix Bookstore
Picture frames and treats – donated by Lucy (the cat) Kolb
Chair – donated by Rick and Issy (the dog) Kolb
Bags – donated by Phoenix Bookstore
Framed photos of University scenes
A copy of the official UWGB history book
Certificate for two hours free labor
$25 dinner gift certificate