Prof. Praneet Tiwari invited to conduct industry workshop for NEWMA
Cofrin School of Business Asst. Teaching Professor, Praneet Tiwari was invited to conduct a workshop for the Northeast Wisconsin Manufacturing Alliance (NEWMA) as part of the Data Analytics Trainings for NEWMA members. Over 120 industry professionals have attended the workshops in Fall and Spring as part of their Industry 4.0 training. The workshops were focused on upskilling of manufacturing employees in data analytic skills across different roles, departments and industries, and also included discussions on AI and ChatGPT.
Since 2006, NEWMA has been working with educational institutions, workforce development boards, New North Inc., chambers of commerce, and state organizations to promote manufacturing and employment in the 18-county region that makes up Northeast Wisconsin. With over 225 member companies, the alliance seeks to ensure that every northeast Wisconsin manufacturer will find the talent it needs.