Wanted: dynamic new swingers for sizzling Golf League action

The University Golf League is looking for a new members to join their handicapped- base league. League play takes place at the Shorewood Golf Course on campus on Tuesdays from May 11 through Aug. 24 with an optional practice day on May 4. Tee times are between 3:15 and 4:30 p.m. Interested? Contact one of these committee members: Cris Nelson (x2059) nelsonc@uwgb.edu or Steve Meyer (x5022) meyers@uwgb.edu. Deadline is April 24, so don’t delay! P.S. – Not ready to make a commitment? A commitment for a whole season of league play, that is… Golfers can also sign up to join the University Golf League’s substitute list. (See contact info above.)

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