Monthly Archive: April 2023

Jazzin’ Up with UW-Green Bay CAHSS Events

Jazzin’ Up with UW-Green Bay CAHSS Events

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, March 30, 2023 GREEN BAY, WI – Upcoming events by UW-Green Bay, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science (CAHSS). Open to the public. More information can be found on

Attend the virtual workshop on language inclusivity

Attend the virtual workshop on language inclusivity

What language practices do your students bring to our UW-Green Bay community? How do you value and sustain those language practices in your classrooms and other interactions with students? Join Prof. Cory Mathieu, 2022-23...

UW-Green Bay’s Xan Bozzo has new publication

UW-Green Bay’s Xan Bozzo has new publication

Assistant Teaching Professor, Xan Bozzo had a new publication accepted in the journal Hume Studies. The paper is entitled “Hume, Substance, and Causation: A Solution to a Nasty Problem”. Bozo’s work considers and attempts...

Campus Cupboard spring food drive challenge!

Campus Cupboard spring food drive challenge!

April 10-14 is the annual spring department food competition and essential drive for the Campus Cupboard on the four campus locations! The original Campus Cupboard food drive trophy is located in the Green Bay...