Daily Archive: January 5, 2021
UW-Green Bay Associate Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Professor of Psychology Ryan Martin will launch his new book, “Why We Get Mad: How to Use Your Anger for...
Brown County will receive a $500,000 grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. to assist in purchasing the former WPS Pulliam Plant property as part of the effort to relocate coal piles away from...
The fifth annual WiSys Innovation in Aging Student Idea Competition, Feb. 25, 2020 from 4 to 6 p.m. challenges UW-Green Bay students to create innovative solutions to combat hardships and improve quality of life...
Wisconsin Public Radio interviewed UW-Green Bay Dean Susan Gallagher-Lepak (CHESW) regarding the Innovation in Aging virtual student competition aimed at developing new ideas—products, services, systems—to help more elderly people and age-specific problems they’re facing. Source:...
UW-Green Bay’s Student Climate & Student Affairs division has undergone a name change effective immediately. The new name is the Division of University Inclusivity & Student Affairs. Vice Chancellor Corey King leads the division....
Green Bay, Wis.—Free, rapid drive-up testing continues on the UW-Green Bay campus at the Weidner Center, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Testing will continue while supplies last, with an expectation of ending in...
GREEN BAY, Wis. (WBAY)-Nursing students at UW-Green Bay are getting ready to help with the state’s vaccination effort. “As we understand it, the local health departments are in a position where they don’t have...