Daily Archive: April 7, 2020

Reminder: Web resources can help with alternate delivery

Reminder: Web resources can help with alternate delivery

CATL has some resources to help you move to alternative delivery: UWGB “teaching remotely” page: You have a wealth of online documents and videos to help with alternative delivery. CATL: https://www.uwgb.edu/remote/faculty-resources/ UW System Keep Teaching: https://media.uwex.edu/keepteaching/ Course Checklist: Use...

Submit your questions for TeAch Tuesday LIVE!

Submit your questions for TeAch Tuesday LIVE!

Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL) wants to help answer your teaching-related questions in light of this unprecedented time. Submit your questions anonymously here, and the people at CATL will do...

Cartoon contest: What did the sandhill crane say to the turkey?

Got a great line for this cartoon? Send it in and win!

A little bird (specifically a cliff swallow) has told us there’s still time to enter UW-Green Bay’s first-ever cartoon caption contest. Submit your caption idea to Michael Shaw at shawm@uwgb.edu and three finalists will be chosen. Then...