Monthly Archive: July 2017

The soup is on

The soup is on

Chartwells posted the soup scheduled for the Garden Café, August 1-4: Tuesday: Corn Chowder Wednesday: Cheesy Broccoli Thursday: Chicken Noodle Friday: Clam Chowder. Check out the menu at all campus dining locations.

Faculty note: Weinschenk invited to Germany ‘think tank’

Faculty note: Weinschenk invited to Germany ‘think tank’

UW-Green Bay Associate Prof. Aaron Weinschenk (Political Science) has been invited to speak in Berlin, Germany at the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation’s International Conference for Political Communication in October 2017. The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation is one of Germany’s leading political think tanks....

Prof. Terry talks Foxconn

Prof. Terry talks Foxconn

In the news last week, WTAQ interviewed UW-Green Bay Director of Engineering Technology, Prof. Patricia Terry on plans for a new $10,000,000,000 manufacturing facility at an undisclosed location in Southern Wisconsin. Foxconn’s Wisconsin location...

Move-in Day helpers still needed

Move-in Day helpers still needed

Did you want to, but hesitated to sign up for new student move-in day, Thursday, August 31 from 8:30 a.m. to Noon? You still can. This small gift of your time and energy could...

Faculty note: Mahfuz co-authors a book

Faculty note: Mahfuz co-authors a book

UW-Green Bay Assistant Prof. Mohammad Upal Mahfuz (Electrical Engineering Technology, Natural and Applied Sciences) has recently co-authored a book chapter entitled “Integration of Renewable Energy Resources in the Smart Grid: Opportunities and Challenges” in...