Tagged: Urban and Regional Studies

Galloping in the Galapagos, Jan 2016

Associate Professor (Urban and Regional Studies) Marcelo Cruz shared these photos of the 16 students he led on a January 2016 winter interim trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. They studied the geographic...

Faculty note: Shariff publication

Faculty note: Shariff publication

Ismail Shariff, Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Studies, has published a book titled “Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts and Principles for the High School Curriculum.” Printed by CAT Publishing Inc., a subsidiary of W.W.Norton, the...

Faculty note: Hutchison presentations

Faculty note: Hutchison presentations

Sociology Prof. Ray Hutchison (Urban and Regional Studies) recently returned from Chicago, where he presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. His two papers: “The Right to Urban Theory: Henri Lefebvre...