Lecturer, life coach Birr to talk ‘Hall of Fame Habits’ during ‘After Thoughts’ April 1

Jane Birr
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s popular After Thoughts series will present its final event of the academic year Tuesday, April 1, welcoming life coach and UW-Green Bay Associate Lecturer Jane Birr for an address titled “Hall of Fame Habits: Bridging the Gap from Frustrated to Fit and Free.”
The event begins with hors d’oeuvres and networking at 5 p.m., followed by Birr’s presentation at 6 p.m. in the Grand Foyer of the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts on campus, 2420 Nicolet Drive.
In her address, Birr will share key strategies from the goal-setting system she teaches, a program that has helped hundreds of UW-Green Bay students and community members pursue their goals with passion, strategy, excellence and hard work. Attendees who are looking for a fresh start, wanting to unleash energy and confidence and start feeling great will take particular interest in Birr’s message, she said.
Birr earned her bachelor’s (1985) and master’s (’90) degrees from UW-Green Bay and was a member of the UW-Green Bay Phoenix women’s basketball team. She is the author of two books: “Just Get it Over With: A 12-Week Jumpstart to Great Health in Body, Mind and Spirit” and “Hall of Fame Habits — Staying Fit Through the Generations.” Birr is an associate lecturer with UW-Green Bay’s Physical Education program and a life coach. More information can be found at her website, www.janebirr.com.
Now in its third full season, After Thoughts seeks to connect women in the community with UW-Green Bay. The gatherings showcase University faculty, staff and guests, and convene women — and often “a few good men” — after their workdays for learning, enrichment and fun. The sessions are so named because they provide “After Thoughts” for participants to take with them when they leave.
Each After Thoughts session takes place from 5-7 p.m. in the Grand Foyer of the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts at UW-Green Bay, 2420 Nicolet Drive. The events begin with time to network, mingle and enjoy hors d’oeuvres before the featured guest speaker begins.
Seating for After Thoughts is limited, so advanced registration is recommended. The cost of each program is $14. To reserve your spot, send a check (payable to UW-Green Bay Foundation) to: UW-Green Bay Foundation, CL 805, 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311; or register online at https://secure.qgiv.com/for/afterthoughts/. Walk-up registration also is an option. Call (920) 465-2074 for more information. You can find After Thoughts on Facebook at www.facebook.com/afterthoughts.uwgb. Visit www.uwgb.edu/afterthoughts for more information about the series.