Gimme shelter: New break for student U-Pass riders

new city bus shelterIt’s nothing fancy, but it does the job: A couple of seating benches, a roof over your head, a break from the winter winds and a-free-with-your-campus-ID means of transportation.

UW-Green Bay students who ride Green Bay Metro were recently pleased to see the installation of a  new city bus shelter on North Circle Drive at the Residence Life complex, just in time for the cool weather. Attention to new or upgraded shelters has been one of the priorities as the metropolitan transit service explores way to encourage more ridership.

Student, faculty and staff member with a University ID ride the bus at no additional, out-of-pocket expense thanks to a University contract with Green Bay Metro. The bus system bills back based on actual ridership as tracked through the scanned IDs, and at a discount rate to encourage more passengers. The University, in turn, funds the program as a green, cost-effective transportation option. The subsidy, expected to be in excess of $10,000 for the 2011-12 fiscal year, is made possible by revenue from the sale of campus parking permits, and by student leaders delegating a portion of their activity fees toward unlimited use of city bus services.

The main UW-Green Bay bus stop is located at the Main Entrance to the Cofrin Library’s lower level. (A bus arrives and departs every 30 minutes during the workday, at roughly 15 minutes and again at 45 minutes after the hour. Just self-scan your ID card, and hop aboard.) The bus reaches the North Circle Drive bus stop a few minutes later.

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