Video: COVID-19 Why it Matters, Part 20, Vaccine Side Effects

This video series features UW-Green Bay’s Immunologist Brian Merkel on COVID-19 and Why it Matters. This series empowers viewers with knowledge to help them navigate through the pandemic. Merkel has a Ph.D. in Microbiology & Immunology from the Medical College of Virginia. He is an associate professor in UW-Green Bay’s Human Biology & Biology programs and has an appointment at the Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Microbiology and Immunology. He will be responding to a number of questions related to COVID-19 and try to get behind the “why” it’s important to be educated in your decision-making as we navigate the pandemic together.

Video Transcript-Part 20, Vaccine Side Effects:

Brian Merkel, microbiology and immunology at UW-Green Bay and we are here to talk about why COVID-19 matters to you.

One of the concerns related to vaccination has to do with a second shot. There are reports that suggest people have a tougher time with a second shot. Now that’s explained by science, we know this is something that happens.

Whether you are naturally exposed by some type of infectious agent or whether you’re getting vaccinated, in this case, with the COVID-19 vaccine. After you get your first round of immunizations because your immune system has already been primed when you get exposed again, that priming allows your immune system to develop an even greater response which we want.

These symptoms usually go away within 24 hours. They appear within 12 hours of that second shot. You might have a low-grade fever, you may feel nauseated, not right, tired. And the reason for that is your immune system is doing its job. It’s doing what we wanted to do. And along the way, you’re going to feel some of these things that you feel.

But the good news is, you’re going to have the best protection possible for you and it also protects others.

COVID-19 Why it Matters Video Series:

Introduction with Brian Merkel

Part 1: What are viruses and where did this one come from

Part 2: Two main types of viruses

Part 3: Why is this virus serious?

Part 4: Why wash hands/wear mask?

Part 5: I’m young! Why should I care?

Part 6: Can pandemics be stopped before they start?

Part 7: Pandemic is not local, why wear a mask?

Part 8: Why does everyone need a flu shot this year?

Part 9: What is the science behind a vaccine?

Part 10: Where can I find accurate information?

Part 11: What type of mask should I wear?

Part 12: Why HUGE COVID-19 spikes in Wisconsin?

Part 13: Fall break, protect yourself & others

Part 14: Why is COVID-19 Testing so Important?

Part 15: What are COVID-19 Antibodies?

Part 16: Will the vaccine protect against new COVID-19 variants?

Part 17: Vaccine myths vs reality

Part 18: What is long-hauler syndrome?

Part 19: Spring break, protect yourself against variants

Part 20: Vaccine Side Effects


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