IT announces website transition plans with UW restructure

UW-Green Bay Information Technology provides the following update on the transition plans for the UW-Marinette, UW-Manitowoc and UW-Sheboygan websites: Receiving institutions have been asked to take over the maintenance of the websites for their respective branches starting immediately. To make the transition and maintenance of these sites as seamless as possible, the colleges sites have been migrated into the UW-Green Bay content management system (Kentico).

In making this migration, the web address for the individual websites will be changing. “No worries!” ensures Paula Ganyard (Assistant Vice Chancellor for Information Technology & Library Services), “We will be redirecting the old URLs to the new URLs to ensure that information is found.”

Transition plans

The plan is to switch over to the new sites on Tuesday, July 10, 2018. Below are screenshots of what the sites will look like at launch, which is very similar to how they currently look. The new URLs will be:

UW-Manitowoc website screenshot

UW-Marinette website screenshot

UW-Sheyboygan website screenshot

Please report problems or content updates

With any large migration, in spite of thorough testing and review, things can be missed. The web development team asks that if any users notice something not quite right, to please let them know via email at; and they will resolve the issue as soon as possible. In addition, if there are needed page updates please direct requests to them, as well.

“We look forward to building a great website that serves all our audience members regardless of their location,” says Ganyard.

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