Faculty notes: Kaye, Howe, Wolf, Fewless

Prof. Harvey Kaye of Social Change and Development (soon to be Democracy and Justice Studies) contributed a column to the website New Deal 2.0. In it, he tears into several Republican presidential contenders for their apparent lack of knowledge with regard to American history… and for not recognizing that it was once considered the height of patriotism to fight for the common good. Read more.

NAS faculty members Amy Wolf and Robert Howe have published a paper in an upcoming volume of the prestigious Journal of Ecology (a British publication) with colleagues from three continents: Xugao Wang (lead author) and Zhanquing Hao from China, Thorsten Wiegand from Germany, and Stuart Davies from Australia. The paper, titled “Spatial patterns of tree species richness in two temperate forests,” described results from UW-Green Bay’s Wabikon Forest Dynamics Plot near Crandon, Wis., (read more) and the Changbaishan Forest Dynamics Plot in northeastern China.

UW-Green Bay’s Herbarium curator and co-investigator of the Wabikon Plot, Gary Fewless, will be visiting China in July to participate in a workshop with forest ecologists from around the world. Howe and Wolf also are co-authors on a recently accepted paper by UW-Green Bay alumnus and first author Jennifer Goyette and Dr. W. Douglas Robinson of Oregon State University. The paper, titled “Detecting tropical nocturnal birds using automated audio recordings” is the first scientific paper published from the annual UW-Green Bay student trip to the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute facilities in Panama.

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