Tagged: Student Success and Engagement

Psychology major Michaela Lade, poses with her backpack on and the Phoenix wings on the wall in the background as she stands in the main hallway by the curved windows at the UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus.

Video: The Learning Center’s Academic Success Coaching

The Learning Center’s Academic Success Coaching program helps students reach their full potential. Coaching helps students improve on time management, excel in class and on exams, and feel more confident in their academic learning....

Kappa Beta Gamma Fall Recruitment

Kappa Beta Gamma Fall Recruitment

Kappa Beta Gamma is looking for new members as they host their upcoming fall recruitment. When: September 19-23, 2022 6:45-8:30 PM Where: Phoenix Rooms Cost: Free Kappa Beta Gamma is an international sorority with...

UW-Green Bay receives First-Gen Forward designation

National Honor for Commitment to First-Generation Student Success Green Bay, Wis.— The Center for First-generation Student Success, an initiative of NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and The Suder Foundation, recently announced the...

Photo of the UW-Green Bay Phoenix sculpture with students standing in front making a hand phoenix by interlocking their hands together with the words, "Phoenix Finish Strong by Vince Lowery."

Video: Phoenix Finish Strong by Vince Lowery

UW-Green Bay’s Vince Lowery, director of Student Success and Engagement, inspires students to put their best foot forward as they race to the finish of the semester. Lowery shares a personal story about a cross-country race that taught him the lesson...