Tagged: strategic philanthropy
Seeking creative strategies to improve the lives of seniors through arts opportunities, deadline is April 5 Green Bay, WI — The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s 2017 Strategic Philanthropy class will award $10,000 to an...
The Strategic Philanthropy class led by Prof. Lora Warner awarded a $10,000 grant to Howe Elementary School. Howe displayed what the UWGB students perceived as the best initiative to promote literacy among children in...
GREEN BAY — Over the past four years, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s Strategic Philanthropy class has awarded $45,000 to viable organizations dedicated to an urgent need in the Brown County area. Each year,...
Prof. Lora Warner invites the campus and community to attend her students’ service learning presentations on Tuesday, May 3: 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in MAC 206. The public is invited to learn about the...
Prof. Lora Warner invites the campus and community to attend her students’ service learning presentations on Tuesday, May 3: 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in MAC 206. The public is invited to learn about the...
The Learning by Giving Foundation has granted UW-Green Bay’s 2016 Strategic Philanthropy class $10,000 to award to an organization of their choice. The class issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) on March 14, 2016...
Green Bay, WI — The Learning by Giving Foundation has granted the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s 2016 Strategic Philanthropy class $10,000 to award to an organization of their choice. The class issued a Request...
Students in the UW-Green Bay Strategic Philanthropy course announced a $10,000 grant to Family Services’ Transitional Living Program in a ceremony Thursday, May 7. Students in the course taught by Associate Prof. Lora Warner...
Students in the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Strategic Philanthropy course announced a $10,000 grant to Family Services’ Transitional Living Program in a ceremony Thursday, May 7. Through this course, students are provided $10,000 by...