Tagged: Office of Student Life
The Black History Month planning committee has started meeting and planning! If you are coordinating anything that is related to Black History Month for February 2021, please inform Megan DuFrane-Groose in the Office of...
Save the Date! Join online for UW-Green Bay’s annual Kwanzaa celebration on Saturday, Dec. 5, 2020 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. This year’s celebration theme is Ujima principle, which stands for Collective Work and...
The Office of Student Life will be virtually interviewing candidates via Microsoft TEAMS for the associate director of Student Life position this week and next. If you would like to attend the Open Forum/Presentation,...
UW-Green Bay celebrated Indigenous People’s Day on Monday, Oct. 12, 2020, with a student-led program, flag display and video, as well as an installation of a permanent Land Acknowledgement Display in the University Union....
Photos: Life Around Campus A walk around any UW-Green Bay campus this week will look different from previous semesters! Students, staff and faculty will see signage regarding social distancing, wearing masks and frequent hand...
The online nomination process for the 40th Annual University Leadership Awards program (Chancellor’s Medallion and University Leadership Award) is now open! The process is secure and will have the most current information available. The University...
On Sept. 2, 2020, during GB Week, UW-Green Bay students have an incredible opportunity to talk with the experts regarding COVID19 and get answers to any questions form leaders in the health field, and even someone who has...
Did you miss the Virtual University Leadership Awards last Friday? Visit the Office of Student Life website or Facebook page for the full video, featuring a message of congratulations from Chancellor Michael Alexander. Then join...
In an effort to inform the campus about opportunities available for our graduating students, the Office of Student Life shares information about Virtual Grad Bash. The Spring/Summer 2020 graduates at all Green Bay campuses...
Keeping the safety of incoming UW-Green Bay students and their guests in mind, GB Orientation is moving online for 2020. The GB Orientation planning team is transforming the experience from a one-day in-person event...