UWGB authors and editors in key geoscience journal
Papers by several UWGB faculty, staff, and former students are in a recent special issue of Geoscience Wisconsin titled “Wisconsin’s Niagara Escarpment.” The issue covers various aspects of the geology, biology, and conservation of the Niagara Escarpment — the cliff face that runs from southern Wisconsin to Niagara Falls in New York. Look for these familiar campus names in the issue, which can be accessed at the link below:
- Edited by Ron Stieglitz (emeritus faculty member from Earth Science/Geoscience); an article on the geomorphology of the escarpment, along with an introduction.
- A paper on the geology of the escarpment by Geoscience faculty John Luczaj (originally published in 2013).
- A paper on the biota of the escarpment by Bob Howe, Amy Wolf (NAS), and Gary Fewless (emeritus Herbarium curator)
- A paper on bats by Rich Novy (recent UWGB graduate)
- A paper on conservation and land use by Eric Fowle (’92 UWGB graduate).
More here http://news.uwgb.edu/log-news/news/04/15/many-authors-and-editors-in-new-geoscience-wisconsin-issue/. Access the journal here http://wgnhs.uwex.edu/pubs/gs22/.