HIPs @ 10 Reading Series is Feb. 18
The HIPs @ 10 Reading Series is Feb. 18, 2019 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in MAC Hall 201. There will be a virtual option if you cannot attend in person. Here’s more: The Association of American Colleges and Universities High-Impact Practices turn “10” this year! In honor of that milestone, and an initiative sponsored by UW System and the National Association of System Heads, we’ll highlight readings about Civic Engagement, Undergraduate Student Research and more with the help of the NASH Grant Leadership team. Prof. Ryan Martin will lead a discussion on chapters from Nancy H. Hensel edited collection, Course-Based Undergraduate Research: Educational Equity and High-Impact Practice (access via your UWGB login).
- Register for the event here
- Access the book via the Cofrin Library’s eBook Central: Course-Based Undergraduate Research: Educational Equity and High-Impact Practice. Participants will need to log in using their UWGB credentials in order to access these chapters.