More than 800 holiday cards sent to Wisconsin veterans
With help from many quarters, the TRiO Upward Bound high school students and the Vets 4 Vets Club here on campus exceeded the goal of making 800 hand-made holiday cards for veterans. Kudos to all who donated their time and creative talents to this very worthy cause. Write the organizers of the initiative:
“We are extremely grateful for your help and support. Some cards were mailed, but destined for the Wisconsin Veterans Home in King were hand-delivered by Elaina Kolz and Michael Casbourne. (They were amazed at the size and extent of the services offered at the facility. It is literally its own self-contained little city.) The residents were excited to see the volume and creativity of the cards, each with a hand-written note. A spokeswoman at the facility commented that this is the only card some vets will receive. We are very proud, and humbled, that we were able to bring smiles to so many veterans’ faces.”
In addition, blankets and media coverage
The drive to bring holiday cheer to military veterans (see previous item) was the Upward Bound program’s December community service project. They also did more. The pre-college program’s participating high school students also crafted more than 20 blankets for local shelters. They also made cards at the Green Bay Botanical gardens, and both these events were covered by WFRV-TV 5 news on Thursday, Dec. 17. “Again, thank you to all who helped. And Upward Bound, what a way to make a difference!”