Bauer receives diversity award during Friday’s meeting in Madison

Our own Angela Bauer on Friday (Feb. 8) accepted her 2013 UW System Regents Diversity Award in Madison, emphasizing the importance of creating community in efforts to close the achievement gap and increase participation of underrepresented groups in the sciences. Bauer earned the individual award (one of three categories in which the honor is given) for efforts including her Targeted Opportunities for Success in the Sciences (TOSS) program, which has been successful in closing the achievement gap in Introduction to Human Biology courses. The key, Bauer told the Regents in her acceptance remarks, is “for faculty and staff to be intentional about creating community” in classrooms and on campus as a whole. Regent Tracy Hribar, a member of the diversity awards selection committee, presented Bauer’s accolade, praising her commitment to diversity and inclusion. Click here for more information on Bauer and the award.


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